The way I know I've really learned something is if I can teach it.
For me, that means a lot of public speaking.

the past
Secure Enough: Building Security in Without Handcuffing the Business, August 2019 Devopsdays MSP
Eyes on your Own Paper, June 2020 Women Impact Tech
Ransomware & The Court, June 2020 Florida Judges and Municipal Staff
Getting Ahead of the Application Security Curve (Fireside Chat), August 2020 Cyber Risk Alliance w/ SC Media
What Does it Mean to be a Barrier Breaker, August 2020 The Diana Initiative
Here, you'll find a collection of presentations, whitepapers, proposals and external blog postings. Be sure to check out the blog here as well!

What Does it Mean to Be a Barrier Breaker, August 2020, The Diana Initiative
Secure Enough: Building in Security Without Handcuffing the Business, October 2019, Grace Hopper Celebration
It's Coming from Inside the House, May 2019, Open Source North
Good Enough Security, April 2019, Accepted Abstract for Grace Hopper Celebration
Ensuring Availability and Security of Critical Systems in the Age of IoT, May 2017
Segmentation is Not Enough, August 2017
Gotta keep those 1337 skillz sharp! For as long as there is code, it needs to be secured--these projects provide a litany of capabilities meant to do exactly that

delivered products
_spartan: is a node application which provides nodejs developers with intra-application security through custom policies which generates tailored& configured boilerplate code.
probe killer: this android app allows users to detect malicious access points and takes proactive steps to prevent their devices from connecting to them.
ongoing development
_phalanx is a node application to provide inter-application peer-to-peer security policy (built in _spartan) enforcement, ensuring all other _spartans are 'good citizens' in a larger platform framework.

"Never measure yourself by someone else's ruler"
Who Am I?
From humble beginnings in the Air Force to leading the Cybersecurity Department for a beloved restaurant brand, I am passionate about building a safe, resilient and inclusive Internet with equal, unfettered access for everyone.


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